6 Office Flooring Ideas & Eye-Opening Secrets You’ll Love

6 Office Flooring Ideas & Eye-Opening Secrets You’ll Love

It takes more than just a Pinterest board of aesthetically pleasing office flooring ideas when it comes to designing an awesome commercial space or office. Office flooring ideas shouldn’t just factor in budgets, preferences and trends. What you decide to put on your...
15 Cafe Theme Ideas to Captivate Everyone’s Attention

15 Cafe Theme Ideas to Captivate Everyone’s Attention

Gone are the days when coffee shops used to be just simple eateries where you went to quickly grab a sandwich or drink a latte! Cafes have evolved to become everyone’s favourite hangout spots to meet colleagues or friends or to spend some time alone, reading a novel...
8 Small Retail Store Layout Hacks

8 Small Retail Store Layout Hacks

It’s not a big secret that some of the most successful retail businesses of today’s time started their journeys from small spaces. The key is to survive those difficult first few years by employing every trick in the book that’ll help you thrive. One such super...
7 Coffee Shop Lighting Tips For The Perfect Ambience

7 Coffee Shop Lighting Tips For The Perfect Ambience

Unlike restaurants where people order multiple-course meals throughout the day, in coffee shops, they tend to spend a comparatively lesser amount of money on food. So, the success of coffee shops relies more on how many customers you are able to attract on an everyday...
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