How To Open A Cafe | 12 Essential Steps To Master Before Launch

How To Open A Cafe | 12 Essential Steps To Master Before Launch

Are you planning to open your very own cafe? Hey, that’s wonderful! After all, we Australians do love our coffees! In fact, stats will tell you that the cafes and coffee shop sector is worth $9.4 billion at the moment (the year 2022), and these numbers will only grow...
10 Common Cafe Design Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

10 Common Cafe Design Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Every cafe owner has a vision for their space as to how it will look, feel, and will be experienced by their customers. It’s great to have all these amazing ideas at your disposal but the reality of the matter is that very few cafes turn out to be how they were...
7 Simple Steps to Increase Your Cafe’s Seating Capacity

7 Simple Steps to Increase Your Cafe’s Seating Capacity

Of course, the dream is to have a big place with lots and lots of tables, right? Because more tables mean more revenue! But in order to increase your cafe’s seating capacity, you can’t just simply jam tables into a ‘not so spacious’ dining room. In fact, a...
15 Cafe Theme Ideas to Captivate Everyone’s Attention

15 Cafe Theme Ideas to Captivate Everyone’s Attention

Gone are the days when coffee shops used to be just simple eateries where you went to quickly grab a sandwich or drink a latte! Cafes have evolved to become everyone’s favourite hangout spots to meet colleagues or friends or to spend some time alone, reading a novel...
7 Cafe Interior Design Ideas & Tips Your Customers Will Love!

7 Cafe Interior Design Ideas & Tips Your Customers Will Love!

Imagine it’s your partner or best friend’s birthday. You’ve planned a fun-filled dinner party by inviting some of your close friends to this new cafe in town. Everyone is thrilled to spend some amazing time eating finger-licking good food in a setting that’s...
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