One of the best parts of our job here at ImpeccaBuild is designing and renovating stunning fitouts for our clients. We love taking an outdated commercial space and giving it a completely new cool, and modern look. You might be surprised at how much of a difference a renovation can have on your business.
It helps you build a powerful image for your brand in the market, encourages your employees to give their 100 per cent and essentially makes your space more attractive to customers. But this is not the only reason you should renovate your commercial room. It’s your responsibility to ensure that everyone who works under your roof works in a safe and conducive environment, and to do this, you may need to do renovations from time to time, this could include.
- Repairing or remodelling certain areas of the space
- Installing the right office essentials
- Replacing outdated furniture or equipment
- Make sure all the requisite safety standards are met at all times.
If you are still not sure whether it’s time for you to think about a renovation or not, we have enlisted the top 10 signs you can look for to ascertain if you need to renovate your commercial space now.

#1 Sign That You Should Renovate Your Commercial Space
You Need a Bigger Space
As your business expands, your commercial space needs to expand too. If you have started noticing that your space somehow always looks packed or cluttered or that your employees are always on the lookout for some extra space to carry out their work, it’s time for a renovation!
For this, you can either modify your existing design to create some additional space or if it’s possible, consider adding some more space to your current design. If both these options aren’t feasible, maybe you need to relocate to a different location altogether.
We suggest meeting with your team and fleshing out your space requirements (current and for the future as well) and then making a final call as to what kind of solution is best suitable for your needs.

#2 Sign That You Should Renovate Your Commercial Space
Your Design is Visibly Outdated
In today’s competitive world, you can’t let your customers feel that your business is somehow behind the times in its approach or methods. So, renovate your commercial space if it has started looking outdated or old fashioned. A contemporary and chic design creates an image that your business is genuinely competitive to handle today’s market and its challenges. It also adds to the overall experience of the customer/employee. If they had an excellent experience and enjoyed being in your space then they are more likely to return.
You don’t necessarily need to demolish everything and start afresh in order to achieve this. Sometimes, even with a simple rearrangement of furniture, you can renovate your commercial space to make it look trendy and modernistic.
What kind of approach is best suited for your commercial space depends on what type of look it currently has and what type of brand image you want to portray. You can also study the designs your competitors are working with. Analyse all these points carefully and then make a final decision.
#3 Sign That You Should Renovate Your Commercial Space
Noticeable Deterioration
This is one of the most obvious signs that your space needs renovation. By noticeable deterioration, we mean – cracks in the walls, paint chipping away, broken tiles or floorboards, mould formation, water leakages, worn-out appliances, etc.
These signs need your immediate attention since they can be extremely dangerous for your staff members or tenants. For instance, a broken tile in a high-traffic area of your office can cause a severe accident. Even a little bit of mould formation can eventually turn into a significant health crisis within a few days’ time.
In the worst-case scenario, you can end up fighting lawsuits because of ignoring these signs. So, to avoid that, renovation work must be conducted for your commercial space promptly.
#4 Sign That You Should Renovate Your Commercial Space
Productivity Levels are Getting Affected
You need to provide your employees with an efficient and comfortable working environment in order to run your business successfully. If they face problems daily, due to a lack of convenience, comfort, or functionality, you can’t expect them to work at their highest potential.
To boost your employees’ morale, you can renovate your commercial space even on a tight budget. Introduce small changes here and there now and then to keep them interested and excited about their workspace.
Ensure there’s enough room for everyone to complete their daily tasks comfortably. Also, keep in mind aspects like ventilation, lighting setups, temperature control, layouts, and the furniture used in your commercial space.

#5 Sign That You Should Renovate Your Commercial Space
The Design Fails to Reflect Your Brand’s Core Vision
Sometimes business owners manage to create perfectly functional designs which aren’t exactly in sync with the core vision of their brands. This is truly unfortunate because your interior can be a powerful marketing tool at your disposal. A design that fails to showcase what your brand truly stands for can actually prove to be really bad for the growth of your business instead.
It confuses your clients and makes everything unnecessarily complicated. Carefully examine your commercial space and see if it exhibits what you are trying to achieve through your brand or not. Analyse if it’s in sync with the brand image you want to portray or not?
If it’s unable to reflect your vision or is somehow creating a contradictory image, it’s definitely time to renovate your commercial space.
#6 Sign That You Should Renovate Your Commercial Space
Clients Don’t Feel Comfortable Visiting Your Office
Have you noticed lately that whenever you invite a client to meet you in your office, he/she asks to meet in a cafe or a restaurant instead? Yes, that’s pretty normal these days, but there could be another reason behind such requests. Maybe your office feels like a really dull place or it’s claustrophobic, or perhaps it’s too crowded or old fashioned for their taste.
In order to succeed in your business, it’s pretty vital that you understand the likes and dislikes of your clients. Designing a commercial space that organically attracts clients can be a real asset to your business. Investing in such a space is an excellent idea for your venture’s long-term and sustained growth.
#7 Sign That You Should Renovate Your Commercial Space
To Maintain the Health and Safety Standards
You need to renovate your commercial space not just for aesthetic reasons but for health and safety reasons too. It is required by law that every business owner maintains a certain level of safety standards for everyone involved in the business, be it your employees, clients, or anyone else who visits the building.
So, if you see signs of deterioration (like we discussed earlier) or a fault in the electrical system or anything else that can potentially cause an accident, injury, or can become a health issue, immediately call an expert for a renovation job.
To make sure everything in your commercial space is up to the requisite health and safety standards, you can ask a fitout expert or a trusted contractor to visit your premises for a thorough inspection.

#8 Sign That You Should Renovate Your Commercial Space
To Eliminate Security Issues
Another common reason your business could need renovation is to eliminate certain security risks or boost your security systems. This is especially true if you’ve rented your space out and your tenants are not happy with the security measures currently in place.
In case there’s been a break-in or any other kind of security breach, it’s your responsibility to install better, more resilient security measures. This could include installing a CCTV camera setup, access control mechanism, physical barriers or metal detectors, security systems for safeguarding data and privacy of your clients or employees, etc.
#9 Sign That You Should Renovate Your Commercial Space
To Boost Connectivity and Integrated Technology
The pandemic has hugely affected how we conduct our businesses. Now, working remotely is the norm, and for that to happen effectively, every business owner needs to invest in integrated technology, at least to some extent.
So, a quick renovation process can be conducted to boost connectivity and integrate technology for your commercial premises. This could include the installation of acoustics or a flexible lighting setup, installing wall monitors, projectors, camera setups, or up-gradation of collaborative tools and spaces.
Renovation could be necessary not just to install but to facilitate the use of these connectivity tools. You might need to upgrade certain areas of your commercial space to make them more collaboration friendly. Consult an engineer along with a fit-out expert to figure out how exactly you can make this happen for your business premises.
#10 Sign That You Should Renovate Your Commercial Space
Renovation Before Selling or Renting the Space
Again, this is a very common reason why you’d want to renovate your commercial space. Renovations before selling or renting out the space will make it look more presentable. You’d be able to fetch a much higher price for a recently renovated space than a space that hasn’t received your proper attention for quite some time.
This is also the perfect time to address specific issues that you wanted to handle but couldn’t since your previous tenants occupied the space. You can make the space look and feel more appealing for the new owners or tenants.
Even with simple renovative processes, you can make this happen. As a result, the life of the space will get substantially extended and now you’ll be able to raise the rent or the asking price with a solid justification backing your request.
There are many reasons you’d want to renovate your commercial space – to fit into a specific brand image, make your employees feel more comfortable, make the premises technologically sound, secure, and safe for everyone, etc. However, the essential point is to understand the significance of this process.
Most business owners tend to think of renovation as some kind of ‘unplanned expense’, and hence they try to avoid or delay it as much as they can. But if you know what it can bring to your business, you’d never try to prevent it. By renovating your commercial space, you can boost your sales and your employee’s morale, and raise the property’s value as you’ve never thought possible.
So, consult a competent fit out company and use this opportunity to enhance the way you conduct your business now!
How ImpeccaBuild Can Help You Renovate Your Commercial Space
Since renovating a commercial space requires additional planning and creative thinking, hiring an experienced fitout professional would undoubtedly make things easier and quicker. No matter what kind of renovation is on your mind, give us a call on: 1300 LETS BUILD or send us an email on: [email protected] to help you in this process in whichever way we can.
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