An Impeccable Guide


Office spaces have changed tremendously in the past few years. Most work environments feature modern designs and decorations such as oriental rugs, artworks, unique furniture and indoor plants that not only improve aesthetics but also increase productivity.

In this piece, we are going to focus mainly on indoor office plants, the role they play in our offices and examples of plants that can thrive in office environments. Let’s start by defining what they are.


What Makes Indoor Office Plants Unique?


Indoor plants are those that can grow and survive in an enclosed environment with limited natural light, water and require minimal maintenance. There are many types of indoor plants but not all of them are ideal for cubicles or offices. 

The reason for this is that most offices have warmer temperatures and the light availability can be low. Therefore, it’s only a few plants that can withstand such conditions, a good example being ZZ plants.

As a matter of fact, indoor plants only make up 1% of all the plants in the world.

Ideally, the best office plants are those that are native to tropical or subtropical climates. The environment in such areas is typically the same as those in our offices because they are warm and mildly hot. 

Additionally, most of these indoor plants grow in thick forests where they don’t have much access to sunlight. As a result, these plants develop a survival mechanism to grow slower and produce broad green leaves suitable for low light environments.


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Part #1

12 Key Benefits Of Plants In The Office


Human beings, no matter where they are, always feel the urge to be at one with nature. However, due to lifestyle changes, this desire remains unfulfilled for many of us, especially at our workplaces.

Indoor office plants are a solution to this. Having some plants on your office desk or at the corner of your cubicle can be quite beneficial for both you as the employee and the clients you interact with. Several studies have backed up these benefits and keep on reading to find out the main benefits of plants in the office.

#1. Do Indoor Office Plants Help With Stress Levels?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #1

Most jobs today can be too demanding and complicated at times, thus leading to stress amongst employees. However, plants act as an excellent natural stress remedy.

A study conducted by the University of Technology in Sydney showed a 58% and 38% reduction in depression and fatigue respectively in offices that introduced plants to their environments.

Office plants have also been linked to alleviating tension, anger, hostility and boost performance as well as overall well-being.

Also, the appealing green colour of plants, according to psychologists, offers a sense of relaxation and reduce stress levels.

#2. Do Indoor Office Plants Help Increase Productivity?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #2

As an employer, a boost in the productivity of your employers guarantees the success of a company or organisation. Indoor plants can help you out with this.

In 2014, research from the University of Exeter noted an increase of 15% of the employees’ productivity when plants were introduced to the offices.

The head of the research, Dr. Chris Knight explains how just by ensuring every employee saw a plant near them, their memories and skills were improved and scored excellently on tests.

#3. Do Indoor Office Plants Improve Health And Well-Being?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #3

As mentioned earlier, human beings are drawn to nature. Although the reasons for this have not been scientifically substantiated, plants impact the well-being of humans.

From a report by Human Spaces in 2015, it showed that at least 58% of offices in 16 different countries didn’t have plants in their offices. Compared to those that had indoor plants, those without had a 15% lower well being score.

Office plants have always played a significant role in the labour sector because another study done at the Agricultural University of Norway observed a 25% decrease in illnesses at the workplace when plants were incorporated into the offices. Plants take in carbon dioxide thus clean the air and remove toxins or bacteria that might affect the health status of employees.

#4. Do Indoor Office Plants Improve Air Quality?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #4

There are so many toxins in the air especially if your offices are in or near a manufacturing plant. In a process called photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide to make food. The by-product of this process is the release of oxygen in which we breathe in. By doing this, plants purify indoor air and this is why we need to have them in our offices.

According to NASA, plants are also capable of purifying the air by absorbing chemicals such as formaldehyde and benzene.

The Snake Plant (also known as mother in laws), Lucky Bamboo and Bamboo Palm are widely known for their fresh air cleaning capabilities compared to other indoor plants.

#5. Do Indoor Office Plants Reduce Noise?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #5

It is impossible to focus on work when there is a lot of noise coming from outside or other areas within the workplace. Although noise can be regulated in the workplace, there are some cases where it is impossible to manage. 

Plants absorb sound and are therefore great at reducing noise levels. Experts recommend that placing large plant pots strategically in your offices, especially at the corners can assist in noise reduction.

#6. Do Indoor Office Plants Enhance Creativity?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #6

Did you know that looking at nature can rewire your brain making you more creative, feeling more relaxed and able to concentrate for longer? 

This can be explained in detail by the Attention Restoration Theory. This theory is supported by a study that observed employees scoring higher for creativity tests when they were put in offices with natural elements such as indoor plants.

#7. Do Indoor Office Plants Improve Sleep Quality?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #7

After a long and stressful day at work, it may be hard for employees to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep. Although it may not sound like a big deal, this can interfere with their concentration and productivity. 

Plants such as Jasmine and Lavender produce a vapour that ensures quality sleep. The scent from these plants induce a sense of relaxation and help you sleep well at night.

#8. Do Indoor Office Plants Enhance Cognitive Functions?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #8

Why is it that a bouquet of flowers or beautiful plants always cheer you up when you are feeling low? That is the magic of nature. Plants have a way of enhancing our cognitive functions. 

Placing them in offices can help enhance your enhance mental abilities, reasoning, thinking, decision making and problem-solving skills.

Violets are perfect examples of indoor office plants that blossom all year round meaning that they will keep you at the top of your game 24/7.

#9. Do Indoor Office Plants Strengthen The Immune System?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #9

Being mentally fit isn’t enough to see you through the ups and downs of working. You also need to be physically fit. Plants can boost your immune system allowing you to push through whichever obstacle you face at work.

Plants achieve this in various ways. Let’s look at the first method. When your body is feeling relaxed, stress-free and getting enough sleep, it is more capable of fighting off diseases and viruses.

Secondly, plants release phytoncides that also lower your body’s stress levels and offer other nutritional benefits. With a plant by your desk, you can easily fight common conditions such as the flu.

There is a reason why hospitals tolerate visitors bringing patients flowers and plants. It’s because plants strengthen your immune system and help one recover faster.

#10. Can Indoor Office Plants Improve Humidity?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #10

A lot of people struggle with dry air when they are indoors. Be it at your office place or bedroom, plants can help improve humidity because they release nearly all the water they absorb from the soil. Using plants instead of buying a humidifier is a cost-effective decision for your office-space because you will end up saving on energy bills.

You, therefore, don’t have to worry about having a dry mouth when you are at work or overheating. Simply get a bunch of potted plants such as the Snake Plant and place them on your desk or at a corner and enjoy premium air quality.

#11. Do Indoor Office Plants Strengthen Bonds And Relationships?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #11

Plants can help you learn how to create stronger bonds with fellow employees, employers, and clients. Similar to pets, plants interact with you at all times even when you are not aware. We breathe in the oxygen produced by plants and breathe out carbon dioxide that they use to make their food.

As mentioned earlier, plants purify the air, boost productivity in your office and offer us lots of other benefits. To continue receiving these benefits, we must water the plants and take care of them. Doing this leads to a sense of compassion and care for other people in our life. 

Taking care of your office plant will make you understand the characteristics of your colleagues and learn how to tolerate both their positive and negative attributes. Also, if you spend most of the time locked up in your cubicle, plants can give you the best company.

#12. Greater Appeal For Your Candidates


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #12

Who doesn’t appreciate beauty? Being able to recruit a new workforce means that you are bringing in a new set of skills and ideas to your company. Today, job candidates are looking for more than just a huge salary. 

Employees want to work in a calm and relaxed environment that allows them to channel their strengths into achieving the goals of the company.

Plants make workplaces more appealing to interested job candidates. According to psychology professor Sir Cary Cooper, workplace design has become a crucial factor to consider for employees looking to join a certain work environment.

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Part #2

47 Best Indoor Office Plants


Best Indoor Office Plants #1


ZZ Plant

  • Scientific Name: Zamioculcas
  • Care Level: Easy 
  • Water: Every two weeks or when soil is completely dry
  • Sunlight: Place in bright in-direct sunlight

The ZZ PLANT  is the perfect example of a great indoor plant. It can thrive with little sunlight, little water and requires very minimal maintenance. This is the reason it is at the top of our indoor office plants list. If you’re the type of person that is forgetful when it comes to watering your plants, then this is the ideal office plant for you.

Best Indoor Office Plants #2


Coffee Plant

  • Scientific Name: Coffea arabica
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: Place near window

Although it’s a bit unrealistic to rely on a potted coffee plant for a continuous supply of coffee beans, the plant’s elegance makes it an ideal indoor office plant. Similar to ZZ plants, they require little maintenance. Want an added bonus? Occasionally, you will be able to get enough beans to last you for a week or two.

Best Indoor Office Plants #3


Rubber Plant

  • Scientific Name: Ficus elastica
  • Care Level: Medium
  • Water: Once or twice a month
  • Sunlight: Lots of bright indirect light

If you’re on the hunt for an office plant that looks great and removes toxins from the air, then look no further. Rubber plants are one of the best air purifying plants you can find. Better still, they are super easy to keep alive as long as they get enough sun. Invest in a rubber plant to ensure your office has a continuous source of fresh air all year round.

Best Indoor Office Plants #4


String Of Pearl

Scientific Name: Ficus elastica

  • Care Level: Easy to Medium
  • Water: Soak soil when waters, and allow soil to completely drive out before watering again
  • Sunlight: Place near window, or under florescent lights

The String of Pearl plant gives you the best of both worlds. Not only is it super easy to care for, but it makes a great beauty statement in your office. Whether you hang some in pots on the wall or place some on your desk, the strands cascade over the side, creating a fantastic look.

Best Indoor Office Plants #5

  • Scientific Name: Aglaonema commutatum 
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: low to well light indirect sunlight

Many people refer to the Red Aglaonema as the ‘forgiving plant’. The nickname was coined from the plant’s unique characteristic of surviving even after long periods of not being watered. Other than that, it features bright pink stems that can enhance the beauty of your office space.

Best Indoor Office Plants #6



  • Scientific Name: Pilea peperomioides
  • Care Level: Medium
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: Indirect sunlight

Pilea plants can become quite beautiful once they start to grow. Also known as the friendship plant or the Chinese money plant, Pilea is a walk in the park to take care of. It also sprout little baby Pilea in the surrounding soil which you can share with friends!

Best Indoor Office Plants #7


Fiddle Leaf Figs

    • Scientific Name:  Ficus lyrata
    • Care Level: Easy
    • Water: Every 10 days, be careful not to over water
    • Sunlight: Lots of indirect bright light

    Fiddle Leaf Figs get their name from the shape of their leaves which look like Violins. We’ve added this plant to our list because it can thrive in both indoor and outdoor environments. It has the ability to grow nice and high which makes it a beautiful statement plant.


Best Indoor Office Plants #8


Hoya Kerrii

  • Scientific Name: Hoya Kerrii Craib
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Monthly
  • Sunlight: Lots of indirect bright light

It is commonly known as the Sweetheart Plant because it features cute heart-shaped leaves. It can either come as a whole trailing plant or a single leaf-cutting and is only ideal if your office  has lots of natural light.

Best Indoor Office Plants #9



    • Scientific Name: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
    • Care Level: Easy
    • Water: Allow soil to dry in between watering
    • Sunlight: Lots of indirect bright light

    Experts say the Kalanchoe, also known as the Christmas Kalanchoe releases chemicals that make you feel relaxed and happy, therefore making this the perfect plant for a fast pace office environment. This plant likes the warm so it may good ideal to place it near a window.

Best Indoor Office Plants #10



  • Scientific Name: Anthurium andraeanum
  • Care Level: High
  • Water: Weekly
  • Sunlight: Lots of indirect bright light

The Anthurium also known as the Flamingo Flower is an extremely attractive plant that would make a great feature for any office setting. However this vibrant beauty doesn’t come without some work. Anthuriums are high maintenance plants, they require weekly watering and regular fertilisation. But we can assure you the extra TLC will definitely pays off! 


Best Indoor Office Plants #11


Birds Of Paradice

  • Scientific Name: Strelitzia reginae
  • Care Level: Medium
  • Water: Keep soil moist during warmer months and water once a month of the winter period
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

This stunning plant adds elegance and sophistication to your office space. It grows better in bright sunny spots but can also thrive in low light. It doesn’t need regular watering but it is compulsory for it to be fertilized in both summer and spring.

Best Indoor Office Plants #12

Snake Plants

  • Scientific Name: Dracaena trifasciata
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Water when soil is completely dry
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

Being one of the best air purifying plants, you shouldn’t miss up a chance of placing in this plant around your office. The snake plant does an excellent job of filtering toxins such as trichloroethylene from the air.

Best Indoor Office Plants #13


  • Scientific Name: Turberous Begonia 
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Water when soil is completely dry
  • Sunlight: Indirect light or fluorescent lighting

One of the reasons that make Begonia’s very ideal for an office setting is that they can survive on fluorescent light. You, therefore, don’t need an office that has lots of natural lighting.

Best Indoor Office Plants #14

Yucca Cane Plant

  • Scientific Name: Yucca gigantea
  • Care Level: Medium
  • Water: Water when soil is completely dry
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

There are 20 different species of Yucca Cane. Its a popular indoor house plant that can tie in nicely to any office design. The Yucca Cane requires very little water and is almost drought tolerant, in its early stages of growth you should water it every two to three weeks, otherwise keep watering to a minimum.

Best Indoor Office Plants #15



  • Scientific Name: Turberous Begonia 
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Water when soil is completely dry
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

Also known as the Peacock plant, the  beautiful colours of the Calathea makes for a stunning office plant. Be wary of placing it in direct sunlight as the leaves might fade and ensure the soil is kept moist, this plant doesn’t like soil that is too wet but don’t let it dry out completely either.

Best Indoor Office Plants #16


Air Plants

  • Scientific Name: Tillandsia
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Every one to two week
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

Air plants have become increasingly popular over the recent years and the coolest thing about them is they don’t need any soil to grow. Don’t let their name mislead you however, air plants rely on sunlight, water and of-course air to survive. Air plants should be soaked in water every one to two weeks and similarly to other indoor plants, air plants don’t like direct sunlight, instead fine a well lit spot out of the suns harsh rays.

Best Indoor Office Plants #17


Weeping Fig

  • Scientific Name: Ficus benjamina
  • Care Level: Medium
  • Water: Every few days
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The weeping fig is a very popular office plant that features slender branches that fall away from a gray trunk. Although this plant is fairly easy to manage, it is very sensitive to movement and will lose its leaves if it has to adjust to event he smallest change in temperature and amount of light its exposed to. So if you can, avoid moving the weeping fig around the office.

Best Indoor Office Plants #18


Peace Lillies

  • Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum Wallisii
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: When top soil is dry
  • Sunlight:  Indirect light

This elegant plant brings a calming atmosphere to work place. One advantage of peace lilies they actually start to droop when they are thirsty, essentially telling you when they need water. However a good rule of thumb is to water once a week when the top soil is dry. They only require low levels of light, which makes it easier to decides to place this beauty.

Best Indoor Office Plants #19


Swiss Cheese Plant

  • Scientific Name: Monstera deliciosa
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight:  Indirect light

The Swiss Cheese Plant, also known as the Split Leaf Philodendrons  is a really easy plant to grow and looks great in any office space. Not only that its large and glossy green leaves act as a great air purifier and has been known to boost productivity in workplaces.

Best Indoor Office Plants #20


Asparagus Fern

  • Scientific Name: Asparagus Fern
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Twice a week
  • Sunlight:  Indirect light

Taking care of the Asparagus Fern is fairly easy provided you do not over-saturate the soil. It works best in indirect sunlight and as long as it is watered regularly, the plant should thrive all year round.

Best Indoor Office Plants #21


Jade Plants

  • Scientific Name: Crassula Ovata
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Keep soil moist
  • Sunlight:  Indirect light 3-4 hours per day

The Jade plant falls under the succulent family and is fairly undemanding. Unlike other office plants, the Jade plant only needs a few hours of light during the day, the soil should be kept moist during summer but you can reduce water during the colder months.

Best Indoor Office Plants #22



  • Scientific Name: Cactaceae
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

What once used to be a plant only found in the desert, the cactus has become a figure of décor in most indoor places. A common misconception about Cacti is that they don’t need a lot of water to survive, although they are able to store water, they won’t thrive with little water. This aside Cacti love the sun, so make sure to place it in a well-lit area of the office.

Best Indoor Office Plants #23



  • Scientific Name: Alocasia macrorrhizos
  • Care Level: Medium
  • Water: Once or twice a week
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The Alocasia is quite an eye catch plant, it produces one leaf on each stem which has a unique variation. This is a water loving plant so ensure its soil is kept moist to keep it happy!

Best Indoor Office Plants #24


Staghorn Fern

  • Scientific Name: Platycerium
  • Care Level: Medium
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: Low to medium indirect light

The Staghorn Fern is a group of 18 species of Epiphytic Ferns. It thrives in with low to medium light and as long as it has access to enough moisture, the Staghorn Fern will do amazingly well in your office.

Best Indoor Office Plants #25


Crocodile Fern

  • Scientific Name: Microsorum musifolium
  • Care Level: Expert
  • Water: Water when topsoil is try
  • Sunlight: Low indirect light

Just before we round up plants related to the Fern family, let us analyze the Crocodile Fern. It gets its name because of the crocodile-like skin texture on the leaves.  This isn’t your regular type of fern. It requires little maintenance and thus very suitable for an individual who doesn’t have time to water their plants daily.

Best Indoor Office Plants #26


Aloe Vera Plant

  • Scientific Name: Barbados aloe
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: Direct is best however also responds well to fluorescent light

Aloe Vera is a sun lover and for it to grow, you should place it in an area accessible to direct sunlight. It should be watered once a week and not again until the soil is totally dry. You can’t place the Aloe Plant on top of a desk because the leaves tend to grow so big. Alternatively, it should be put in a big pot that will keep the leaves hanging.

Best Indoor Office Plants #27


Dragon Tree

  • Scientific Name: Dracaena draco
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Once a week, when topsoil has dried
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

The Dragon plant gets its name from the way the plant’s spiky leaves grow upwards whilst featuring a red outline. Don’t let your dragon plant get too much sun as its leaves are subject to burning, instead opt for a spot that provides indirect bright light.


Best Indoor Office Plants #28


English Ivy

  • Scientific Name: Hedera helix
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

We all know about the devil Ivy, but little is known about its beautiful sister – the English Ivy. This plant does well with at least 4 hours of direct sunlight per day, so its recommend to place it near a sunny window if possible. Ivy loves to climb and cling to its surroundings, making it a perfect feature plant for any plain wall.


Best Indoor Office Plants #29


Baby Rubber Plant

  • Scientific Name: Peperomia obtusifolia
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Once or twice week
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

It’s thick, tiny with spoon-shaped leaves. This species can manage low light conditions. But, if you are interested in its colourful leaves, then you will have position it in line of bright indirect sunlight.


Best Indoor Office Plants #30


Devil’s Ivy

  • Scientific Name: Epipremnum Aureum
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

Also known as Golden Pothos, Devils Ivy is amongst the easiest office plants to grow. It is a trailing vine that has heart-shaped green leaves which can have varying yellow, white and green colours. Devils Ivy thrives in bright indirect sunlight and relatively moist soil.


Best Indoor Office Plants #31


Spider Plants

  • Scientific Name: Chlorophytum comosum
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Water when top soil is dry
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The reason why it is called a spider plant it has long thing arch leaves that double over like spider legs. This plant does well in bright indirect light and should be watered occasionally.

Best Indoor Office Plants #32




  • Scientific Name: Bromeliaceae
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Only water once soil is dry. Do not overwater
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

Luckily for those of us who are sometimes forgetful when it comes to watering out plant,  the Bromeliad has adapted to drought conditions and likes to store water. One thing that sets this plant apart is you don’t water the base of the plant, you water its ‘center cup’. They also aren’t fussy when it comes to lighting, low indirect light will usually keep this plant content.

Best Indoor Office Plants #33



Kentia Palm

  • Scientific Name: Howea forsteriana
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Water once top soil is dry
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

If you are looking to add a touch of drama to your office space, then the Kentia Palm will do just that. The Kentia Palm is another plant that doesn’t require a lot of TLC. Regular water and access to enough sunlight make sure the palms grow long, strong and healthy.

Best Indoor Office Plants #34


Nerve Plant

  • Scientific Name: Fittonia
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Water once top soil is dry
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

The Nerve Plant can survive in both direct and low light. However, according to most experts, the Nerve Plant produces more colourful leaves when it is exposed to little light. The Nerve Plant creates beautifully detailed leaves, a great feature piece for any office. Aim to keep soil moist but not soggy.

Best Indoor Office Plants #35



  • Scientific Name: Codiaeum variegatum
  • Care Level: Expert
  • Water: Water once top soil is dry
  • Sunlight: Bright direct light

This plant is definitely a great striking option for your office. It originated from a tropical plant therefore its used to a warm humid environment. For this reason, frequent watering is needed however make sure not to over water.  Place the plant in bright direct sunlight, this increased amount of sun exposure intensify its vibrant colours.

Best Indoor Office Plants #36




  • Scientific Name: Gardenia jasminoides
  • Care Level: Expert
  • Water: Once a week.
  • Sunlight: 6 – 8 of direct sunlight

Gardenia equally requires plenty of direct and bright sunlight. At least 6 hours a day will suffice. Its blossoms are quite beautiful and may take time to appear. However, the plant features an intoxicating scent that not everyone will love. You can put the Gardenia at the corner of your office, in a place there will be minimal interaction.

Best Indoor Office Plants #37



Aralia Ming

  • Scientific Name: Polyscias fruticosa
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Once a week.
  • Sunlight: indirect sunlight

It goes by the nickname, the Happy Plant. The Aralia Ming is a plant you can rely on even in the toughest weather conditions such as winter. Lighting isn’t an issue for the Aralia Ming. However, watering is a must and it should be done at least once weekly. To increase the survival odds of the Aralia Ming, ensure it is placed in indirect sunlight.

Best Indoor Office Plants #38


Guiana Chestnut

  • Scientific Name: Pachira aquatica
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week.
  • Sunlight: Indirect sunlight

For those in the finance sector and are looking for an indoor office plant, what better to compliment your background other than the Guiana Chestnut, commonly known as the Money Tree. The native habitat of this plant is in a swamp, you can, therefore, expect to water it regularly. But, it should remain placed in indirect light.

Best Indoor Office Plants #39


African Violets

  • Scientific Name: Saintpaulia
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Water when top soil appears dry
  • Sunlight: Indirect sunlight

When taken care off properly, the African Violets are a gem. They will colour your entire office with their bright green leaves. They blossom multiple times throughout the year and do extremely well in moist soil. You will have to fertilize the soil frequently. But other than that, the African Violets are a low maintenance indoor plant.

Best Indoor Office Plants #40



Japanese Sago Palm

  • Scientific Name: Cycas revoluta
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week.
  • Sunlight: Bright Indirect sunlight

The Japanese Sago Palm resembles that of the Iconic Beverly Hill Palms. The Japanese Sago Palm loves a warmer environment so make sure you position it in a space that gets plenty of sunlight.

Best Indoor Office Plants #41




  • Scientific Name: Peperomia obtusifolia
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week.
  • Sunlight: Bright Indirect sunlight

This small and compact species of the Piperaceae family make the best office plants. The leaves often feature a smooth texture and can grow red, purple, green or gray leaves. The leaves feature a tiny heart-shaped design. Peperomia is suitable for cleaning the air and grow best in humid conditions.

Best Indoor Office Plants #42


Ponytail Palm

  • Scientific Name: Phalaenopsis
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: 7 to 1o days
  • Sunlight: Low light

These plants are natively grown in the tropical Asian climate. They can survive in low light but the dry climate is a big No for Phalaenopsis orchids. It is, therefore, suitable for an office with humid conditions. Besides that, these types of orchids are very forgiving and you can water them at least every 7 to 10 days.

Best Indoor Office Plants #43



Moth Orchid

  • Scientific Name: Phalaenopsis orchids
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Every 7 to 10 days
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

These plants are natively grown in the tropical Asian climate. They can survive in low light but the dry climate is a big No for Phalaenopsis orchids. It is, therefore, suitable for an office with humid conditions. Besides that, these types of orchids are very forgiving and you can water them at least every 10 days.

Best Indoor Office Plants #44



Crown of Thorns

  • Scientific Name: Euphorbia milii
  • Care Level: Expert
  • Water: When top soil appears dry
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

Don’t let the scary name terrify you. The Crown of Thorns produces one of the most beautiful red blooms all year round. It can turn your office into a sanctuary and, the plant only requires minimal amounts of water. The Crown of Thorns, however, is good to look at and not to touch. If you prick yourself on the thorns, your hands may swell or blisters may appear.

Best Indoor Office Plants #45



Christmas Cactus

  • Scientific Name: Schlumbergera
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: When soil is completely dry
  • Sunlight: Moderate light/direct sunlight

If you have been keenly following our list of best office plants, then you might have realized that we have listed lots of plants in the Cactus family. Similar to the rest, the Christmas Cactus is the plant and forget kind of plant. You can always water it whenever you remember to do so and it will still survive.

Best Indoor Office Plants #46




  • Scientific Name: Schefflera arboricola
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: When soil is completely dry
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

Also known as the umbrella tree, if grown outside, this tree can reach an astounding height of 15 feet. However, you can limit its growth by not offering extensive care. It is an evergreen shrub that can survive indoor conditions. If you decide to go with the Schefflera, be mindful because it can be mildly toxic.

Best Indoor Office Plants #47



Spotted Dumbcane

  • Scientific Name: Dieffenbachia picta
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: When top soil appears dry
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

Spotted Dumbcane have been decorating offices for decades. The Exotic Alba, as its sometimes referred to, has leaves with a green margin and white center. The Dieffenbachia showcase large bushy growth habits with variegated foliage. If you are going to put it near a window, ensure that it is curtained so that you shield its leaves.





Part #3

19 Best Office Desk Plants

Office desk plants can remove toxins from the air, regulate humidity levels around your desk, enhance your cognitive functions and even add a sense of elegance to your work-space. To choose the best office desk plant, you don’t need a degree in horticulture or  years of experience in gardening.

Below, we have compiled 19 of the best office desk plants.


Office Desk Plants #1


The Devil’s Ivy

  • Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

The devil’s ivy is an evergreen vine that can really do well in an office environment. The plant is generally small and won’t take up much space on your office desk. It’s an easy to care for plant and it can survive in either low or bright light.

Office Desk Plants #2


Chinese Evergreen

  • Scientific Name: Aglaonema
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once every three weeks
  • Sunlight: Medium indirect light

The Chinese Evergreens or Aglos, are impressive plants and relatively simple to care for.  The name originates from Greek words Aglaos and Nama which mean bright and filament respectively. According to Chinese culture, Aglaonema represents long life.

Office Desk Plants #3



Ficus Benjamina

  • Scientific Name: Ficus benjamina
  • Care Level: Medium
  • Water: Every few days
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The weeping fig is a very popular office plant that features slender branches that fall away from a gray trunk. Although this plant is fairly easy to manage, it is very sensitive to movement and will lose its leaves if it has to adjust to event he smallest change in temperature and amount of light its exposed to. So if you can, avoid moving the weeping fig around the office.

Office Desk Plants #4



Peace Lily

  • Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum Wallisii
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: When top soil is dry
  • Sunlight:  Indirect light

This type of Lily is known to bring in a sense of calm and relaxation to any work space, making it the perfect plant for your desk. Peace lilies are forgiving plants and you don’t need to water it regularly. They can also survive in low light but if you want them to grow bigger, expose them to some light.

Office Desk Plants #5




  • Scientific Name: Dracaena
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Water when soil appears dry
  • Sunlight:  Moderate natural lighting

The Dracaena will make a nice addition to any office desk. It possesses drought resistant qualities making it super easy to take care of and not only that its a great air purifier.

Office Desk Plants #6



Mini Succulents

  • Care Level: Esay
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight:  6 hours each day

Mini succulents are a convenient office plant for two reasons, they are fairly small and can perfectly fit anywhere on your desk, and they are so easy to care for. Just like that of the Cactus, succulents store water in there leaves which gives them there fleshy full look. They can last up to 4 weeks with out waters however to keep it healthy its best to water it one a week.

Office Desk Plants #7



Lucky Bamboo

  • Scientific Name: Dracaena sanderiana
  • Care Level: Expert
  • Water: Lucky Bamboo grows in 1 – 3 inches of water. This should be changed every 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Sunlight:  Low indirect lighting

Bamboo plants have been used for indoor décor for decades  Nonetheless, Bamboo Arrangements can make an excellent addition to your office desk and it can even help improve air quality.

Office Desk Plants #8



Color Orchids

  • Scientific Name: Orchidaceae
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight:  6 hours indirect light

For those who aren’t afraid of adding a dramatic touch to their office desks, Orchids are an ideal desk plant. The beautifully coloured petals add colour and visual appeal to your office desk. Color orchids do well in inadequate light. They are quite tall however you can contain them so they don’t swallow up a lot of space on your office desk.

Office Desk Plants #9



Ficus Bonsai

  • Scientific Name: Ficus bonsai
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Every 2 to 3 weeks
  • Sunlight:  Bright indirect light

The two most popular types of Ficus Bonsai trees, the Ficus retusa which has an s-curved truck and dark leaves, and the Ficus Ginseng which has a thicker, pot belly truck. Either make a beautiful addition to any office desk, further more they are very low maintenance just make sure they get enough sun.

Office Desk Plants #10




  • Scientific Name: Terrarium
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: Low indirect light

Are you interested in testing out your green thumb? Well, a terrarium can be the best way for you to achieve your objectives. A terrarium is just like an aquarium only that it has plants instead of fish. Soil and plants are sealed in a glass container.

Office Desk Plants #11



Water Lettuce

  • Scientific Name: Pistia
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Sunlight: Low indirect light

Unlike other office desk plants, the water lettuce can only survive when submerged in water. Water lettuces look amazing on clear vases or trays. These plants require some form of shade from the sun. But putting it under direct sunlight can help the leaves grow bigger.

Office Desk Plants #12



Wood Sorrels

  • Scientific Name: Oxalis
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: Bright light, preferably  place near sunny window

You have probably read about Wood Sorrels being a weed, but it is still a plant and a very beautiful one for that matter. The leaves of the Wood Sorrels are heart-shaped and grow in clusters. A small bunch of Wood Sorrels can be planted on a vase and placed in a spot where there is access to partial sunlight. We love the Wood Sorrels because it can tolerate mishandling and rough conditions.

Office Desk Plants #13



Boston Fern

  • Scientific Name: Nephrolepis exaltata
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Frequently to keep soil moist
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The Boston Fern is closely related to the Sword Fern and this elegant, old-fashioned plant brings sophistication and beauty to your office desk. The Kelly-green foliage is something that everyone who passes by your desk will admire. However, it requires high maintenance for the leaves to nurture its beautiful green colour.

Office Desk Plants #14



Red Prayer Plant

  • Scientific Name: Maranta leuconeura
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Frequently to keep soil moist
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

Its name originates from how its leaves assume a position that resembles hands while in prayer. The striking red streaks that originate from the centre of the leaves stretching outwards make it look very beautiful. It’s easy to take care of this plant and should be placed in bright direct light.

Office Desk Plants #15


Zebra Plant

  • Scientific Name: Aphelandra squarrosa
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Frequently to keep soil moist
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The Zebra plant can grow up to 8 inches tall with minimal lighting and watering. It does well in open spaces such as office desks and cubicles. It also features beautiful striking leaves that can blend with any office design and décor.

Office Desk Plants #16



Happy Bean Plant

  • Scientific Name: Peperomia ferreyrae
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Water when soil appears dry
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

Its name is enough reason for you to add this beauty to your office desk. The Happy Bean Plant contains thick, succulent-Esq leaves that look a lot similar to green beans. It’s not that big and can easily fit on your office desk because it grows about 10 inches tall. You can water it at even spaced intervals and make sure it gets enough bright light.

Office Desk Plants #17




  • Scientific Name: Lavandula
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Frequently to keep soil moist
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The aroma that comes from a lavender plant promotes relaxation, which is prefect for helping you de-stress in a busy office environment.  Just place a small bunch in a  pot and ensure they are in contact with direct sunlight and that’s it.

Office Desk Plants #18



Paddle Plant

  • Scientific Name: Kalanchoe thyrsiflora
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Frequently to keep soil moist
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The Paddles Plant’s unique shape and forgiving nature makes it a suitable office plant. It thrives best in bright direct light and it’s a low maintenance plant. If it gets enough sunlight, its leaves turn red. Watering it shouldn’t be a problem because it should be done at least once monthly. And, it is advisable that you water it only when the top two inches of soil dry up.

Office Desk Plants #19


Parlour Palm

  • Scientific Name: Chamaedorea elegans
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: keep soil moist but don’t over water
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

This species of small palm trees is native to the rainforests of Mexico and Guatemala. It is a commonly grown indoor plant that will do well in an office environment. In the palm family, it is one of the most sought after species. It is an attractive desk plant that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance. It should be watered weekly and put in direct sunlight.





Part #4

19 Best Office Plants For Feng Shui

How Do Plants Affect Feng Shui?


Benefits Of Plants In The Office #1

Have you ever walked into certain premises and felt in harmony with the environment? And, wondered what could be behind such tranquillity? If you were observant then you might have noticed a couple of indoor plants strategically placed around you.

Plants have and always continue to instil a magical feeling wherever they are. It doesn’t matter whether you are in a forest or the office, as long as plants are around you, you will always feel a certain ambience.

We struggle so hard to create this ambience by hanging fascinating artwork and state of the art furniture in our offices. But, if plants are not part of these decorations then there will always be something missing from the equation.

That unique feeling that we all yearn for can be found at the heart of the Feng Shui concept. You might have heard about Feng Shui on the internet and how its entry represents the way energy enters your office and life. But, do you know what it really is?

Also known as Chinese geomancy, Feng Shui is a traditional practice from China that encompasses the use of energy forces to harmonize human beings with their surroundings. Feng Shui translates to Wind and Water. It entails arranging our surroundings to promote the proper flow of chi to better our lives.

There has been a lot of talk on how to Feng Shui your home. And it’s why today we are going to talk about how to use the principles of Feng Shui regarding indoor plants. Doing this can be very beneficial for your business or company. Other than improving aesthetics, it promotes harmony, health, and success amongst employees, employers and even clients.

From a Feng Shui perspective, where you place your indoor plants at the office plays an essential role. This Chinese traditional practice features an energy map referred to as Bagua.

The map divides a building into 9 unique energy centres. These 9 forces include the four main cardinal points that is north, east, west, and south. It also contains the points between the cardinal directions such as southeast and northwest. The final energy is the centre of all these points.

Different directions refer to varying elements. For instance, the fire element is linked to the south, whereas the wood element, metal, and earth are linked to the rest of the remaining cardinal directions. This energy map assists you in knowing where to put plants so that you can amplify the attribute you are interested in retaining or attracting.

Below are the top 19 office plants for Feng Shui:

What Are The Best Office Plants For Feng Shui?

1) Chinese Money Plant
2) Lucky Bamboo Plant
3) Rubber Plant
4) Areca Palm
5) Sage Plant
6) Peace Lily
7) Jade Plant
8) Orchids
9) Philodendron
10) Citrus Tree
11) Succulents
12) Banana Leaf Plants
13) Devils Ivy
14) Aloe Vera Plants
15) Snake Plants
16) Ponytail Palm
17) Ficus
18) English Ivy
19) Air Plants

Refer to the carousel below for more information on these plants.

Office Plants Fend Shui #1


Chinese Money Plant

  • Scientific Name: Pilea peperomioides
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Allow soil to dry between watering
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

Also known as the missionary plant and the UFO plant, the Chinese Money is famous for enhancing good fortune withing the household. It’s a very easy plant to look afternoon and when cared for correctly will produce large pancake-like leaves that can be liken to large green coins.

Office Plants Fend Shui #2



Lucky Bamboo Plant

  • Scientific Name: Dracaena sanderiana
  • Care Level: Expert
  • Water: Lucky Bamboo grows in 1 – 3 inches of water. This should be changed every 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Sunlight:  Low indirect lighting

We all need some good luck in our lives. The lucky bamboo plant repels all negative energy from your premises. Placing the lucky bamboo on the northeast attracts wealth-related luck, as for health-related luck, you should put it on the east side of the building. Also, the number of stalks a lucky bamboo has, signifies the type of positive energy attracted. 5 stalks indicate wealth, whereas 9 attracts good luck.

Office Plants Fend Shui #3



Rubber Plant

  • Scientific Name: Ficus elastica
  • Care Level: Medium
  • Water: Once or twice a month
  • Sunlight: Lots of bright indirect light

The Rubber tree the perfect companion for the Money Tree Plant because it attracts wealth.  Not only that! Rubber plants contribute in air purifying and removal of harmful toxins from the environment. The rubber tree  grows very big leaves and should be placed in a corner where the temperatures are low and the light is limited.

Office Plants Fend Shui #4



Areca Palm

  • Scientific Name: Dypsis lutescens
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Keep water slightly moist
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The beauty of palm trees, is that they always bring a serene environment to your workplace. According to this Chinese Geomancy, Palm Trees activate and attract positive energy around us, and are great in unblocking any negative energies that bring us down. Palm Trees are a high maintenance plant at first, but when fully grown they toughen up.

Office Plants Fend Shui #5



Sage Plant

  • Scientific Name: Salvia officinalis
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water:  Once every one to two weeks
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The Sage plant is known as a purifying plant, destroying indoor pathogens and bacteria. it also has incredible calming effects and  get rid of negative emotions like fear and anger.

Office Plants Fend Shui #6



Peace Lily

  • Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum Wallisii
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: When top soil is dry
  • Sunlight:  Indirect light

Peace Lilies are amongst the most popular plants for Feng Shui. They are great for purifying the air and its leaves which boast of a white and green blend have been linked to enhancing mental and physical stability. According to Feng Shui, Peace Lilies promote better health and should be placed in the east.

Office Plants Fend Shui #7



Jade Plant

  • Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum Wallisii
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: When top soil is dry
  • Sunlight:  Indirect light

The Jade Plant attracts good luck in an office setting. If you wish to increase sales or are eyeing a promotion then having the Jade Plant in your office will bring good fortune. Also known as the Money Tree, this species is very easy to grow. You will need to water it when the topsoil dries up. As per the Feng Shui guidelines, the Money Tree should be placed in areas that attract fame, wealth and health.

Office Plants Fend Shui #8




  • Scientific Name: Orchidaceae
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight: 6 hours indirect light

The beauty of Orchids brings about serenity and elegance in a work station. These marvelous plants symbolize the love element and help you foster better relationships with others. Since these plants promote peace and love, they should be placed closer to you.

Office Plants Fend Shui #9




  • Scientific Name: Philodendron
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Water once top soil appears dry
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

One look at the Philodendron and you will know which element it represents in Feng Shui. The leaves resemble fire. And if you are stationed in a cubicle at the corner with low light, you can place it there and light up the energy around you. These plants are capable of surviving in low light, therefore you need not worry about putting it in corners.



Office Plants Fend Shui #10


Citrus Tree

  • Scientific Name: Citrus
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Water once top soil appears dry
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The idea of growing a citrus tree in your office can seem bizarre at first, especially if you don’t know what benefits it offers. Citrus or orange trees attract wealth and good luck. It brings abundance in an office setting. The seedlings can be grown on a vase and when it gets bigger you can plant it in your backyard and continue spreading that abundance there.

Office Plants Fend Shui #11




  • Care Level: Esay
  • Water: Once a week
  • Sunlight:  6 hours each day

According to Feng Shui, Succulents act as a constant reminder to human beings that we need to set the right conditions to thrive. This plant adds beauty and sophistication to the office.

Office Plants Fend Shui #12



Banana Leaf Plants

  • Scientific Name: Musa ingens
  • Care Level: Expert
  • Water: Water once top soil appears dry
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

Make an impressive statement in your office with Banana leaf Plants. The broad leaves attract positive energy around you and attract growth and development. If you have just been hired or launched a new business, banana leaf plants can help set you on the path to success. As per the Feng Shui geomancy, the banana leaf plants should be placed in the direction of light.

Office Plants Fend Shui #13



The Devil’s Ivy

  • Scientific Name: Epipremnum Aureum
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Once week
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

One of the easiest to care for plants for Feng Shui is the Devil’s Ivy. The lush and trailing leaves of the Ivy will look good on your office walls. Its heart-shaped leaves are equally exceptional at filtering the toxins from the air. Similar to the money plant, the Devil’s Ivy attracts wealth, fame and success as per Feng Shui.

Office Plants Fend Shui #14



Aloe Vera Plants

  • Scientific Name: Aloe vera
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Water when soil appears dry
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

Most people know about the health benefits of Aloe Vera on the skin. However, the Aloe Vera plant is a popular Feng Shui that promotes healing. At the same time, it is also an air purifier that gets rid of toxins such as carbon monoxide in the air. Whenever you have burns or just want a richer skin tone, applying Aloe Vera can heal you fast.

Office Plants Fend Shui #15



Snake Plant

  • Scientific Name: Dracaena trifasciata
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Water when soil is completely dry
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

Snake plant has been in nearly all of our lists of best office plants. Also, according to Feng Shui, Snake Plants repel negative energy from your premises.  The Snake Plant is an easy to grow plant that helps improve the décor of an office. It features tall leaves and should be placed along entry points.

Office Plants Fend Shui #16



Ponytail Palm

  • Scientific Name: Beaucarnea recurvata
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Water when soil is completely dry
  • Sunlight: Bright Indirect light

Other than being popular Feng Shui plants, Ponytail Palms are also quite forgiving. It creates balance not only in the environment but also amidst those it is in contact with. The Ponytail Palm thrives in both low and direct light. During summers, you can always place it near light sources and take it in a corner during winter.

Office Plants Fend Shui #17




  • Scientific Name:Ficus
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Water when soil is completely dry
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

Enlighten your life with one of the best plants for Feng Shui, the Ficus. This air purifier boosts the energy surrounding us with its vibrant foliage. It also removes toxins that surround our environment. The plant looks like an ordinary tree only that it does have a single truck with a spreading canopy. It requires regular maintenance in its first stages.

Office Plants Fend Shui #18



English Ivy

  • Scientific Name: Hedera helix
  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Water: Once week
  • Sunlight: Bright indirect light

The Ivy family has been used as an indoor plant for decades now. The reason behind its popularity is the plants’ beauty that is accredited to its lush and trailing leaves. It improves the air quality of your office and also filters toxins in the air. It creates good Feng Shui by removing negative energy when you are at work.

Office Plants Fend Shui #19



Air Plants

  • Scientific Name: Tillandsia
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Water: Every one to two week
  • Sunlight: Indirect light

The reason why air plants are last on our list is because of how they correlate with Feng Shui. As mentioned earlier, Feng Shui directly translates into wind and water.  The air, in this case, refers to wind and plants encompasses mainly water. Air Plants symbolises inspiration and simplicity. You can place them on desks, shelves, and even books.



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